Family Psychiatric Care offers expert evaluation and treatment for problems in the areas of thoughts, feelings, behaviors and learning.  Our approach is grounded in sound theory and scientific research.  Each client’s treatment plan is designed individually in consideration of their own values and preferences as they relate to the very personal concerns brought into our care.


Our practice offers psychiatric care to children, adolescents, families and young adults.  A typical psychiatric care experience involves an extended evaluation followed by treatment planning.  Treatment recommendations may include further medical or psychological testing, specific types of psychotherapy, other therapies and psychopharmacology (medication management).  If there is a role for psychopharmacology the psychiatrist is the specialist who can provide that care.


There are a various approaches to psychotherapy.  Some forms of psychotherapy are designed to reduce symptoms such as anxiety, depression, disruptive behaviors, etc.  Other forms of psychotherapy help to promote a better understanding of the self in relation to others and the world at large.  Our practice offers an individualized psychotherapy treatment and is available for children, adolescents, families and adults.